We are truly living in the last days before the Lord’s coming. What a great opportunity to impact people for the expansion of the Kingdom of God! It will never be done through our own human knowledge, power and might. In order for this increase to take place, we need a great outpouring of the power of the Holy Ghost working in us, stirring up His compassion, care and love for people.
Altar work is a greatly needed ministry for this end time global revival. It can impact and help to maintain it week after week, month after month, and year after year in the local church until Jesus comes. It is at the altar where most people are reconciled to God, forgiven, healed, liberated, encouraged, strengthened and given answers to their many different and unique needs they may struggle with.
We often miss great opportunities to impact people, and many times this happens because we lack knowledge and understanding of the importance of ministering in the altar. In this book you will see the magnitude of this ministry, why personal growth is necessary to be effective, why people need to receive the Holy Ghost, why they do not receive it, how to pray for the infilling, guidelines for altar workers, the congregation, ushers, praise and the worship team.
This book is a must for everyone, especially pastors, teachers, cell group leaders and for all those that are involved in a local ministry.
Altar Work
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